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| Breakfast Suffle | | Ambur Matthews |

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    bi fry sausage and drain grease. in bowl, beat eggs, milk and seasonings. mix in sausage, cheese and bread. pour into greased 13 x 9 inch pan. let sit
  • Perfect for breakfast. but you could also make it as a light supper with a salad. it's an indulgent kind of meal, perfect for lazy weekends. just make sure your dining companions

Ham and swiss breakfast souffle roll from cabin at trails end, kendall, wisconsin ham and swiss souffles from herren house b&b

Egg and bacon souffle recipe is a breakfast casserole with bacon, bread, beaten eggs, milk, and other ingredients. this particular recipe serves 2.

Browse the web's best collection of breakfast soufflé recipes, with pictures and easy to understand preparation instructions. also, check out our most popular breakfast soufflé

Try our free recipe for breakfast souffle and other great breakfast recipes. you can now buy one of our professionally bound cookbooks that contain all your favorite recipes.

Another recipe from the world's largest database devoted solely to breakfast (arkansas breakfast souffle) -- find a recipe or add one.

Beat and pour over: 3 c. milk 1/2 tsp. dry mustard. cover and refrigerate overnight. top with: 1/2 c. melted butter grated cheese. bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Another recipe from the world's largest database devoted solely to breakfast (grand marnier souffle) -- find a recipe or add one.

This is a wonderful breakfast souffle that you can easily switch out the bacon for sausage or ham. it is nice because it can be made the night before so your not rushing around in

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| Breakfast Suffle | | Ambur Matthews |

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